Consider This…Before Your Kitchen Remodel

“Show class, have pride and display Character”Paul Bryant

We thought we would take a moment to sit back and jot down some important things for you to consider when starting a kitchen remodeling project.  

Design for the future, not for the moment! 
Too many times, people get caught up in the moment.  They want all the bells and whistles without considering budget and future effectiveness of their decisions.  A play space for your toddlers with lowered counter tops may be a good idea now, but what will you use that space for later on down the road? 
Consider an ergonomic choice, such as a raised dishwasher which will keep your kitchen functional for the years to come.  Be realistic about your needs, a restaurant grade stove/oven may not be the best choice if most of your cooking doesn’t go beyond the microwave!

Beauty is only skin-deep
Sure, it’s always fun to pick out amazingly, beautiful cabinets.  But will those cabinets give you the storage you need for pots & pans?  Think about tray dividers to hold those odd –sized accessories and pull-out shelves making it easier to access larger items.  Also, if you’re looking to come in under budget, take inventory to see if any appliances, cabinet frames, etc. can be saved.  This in turn will save you $$$

If fun and unique is what you are looking for, consider colorful countertop appliances and fancier cabinet handles.  These items can also be changed, replaced or removed in the event that your tastes change or you decide to resell your home later on.

Call in the Pros!
A kitchen remodel is not something to be messed with!  You think you will be able to DIY, but then half way into the project you’re already over budget and over your head!  Professional assistance in a job like this is a MUST!  Make sure the professionals you choose are licensed, insured and come with plenty of references.

Let there be Light!
So you’ve spent all this money on a fabulous new kitchen, but what good is it if the lighting doesn’t accent it?  Choosing the appropriate lighting will keep your kitchen safe and give it the right ambiance.  Plan to set aside approximately 10% of your budget for this, you’ll be glad you did!

We hope these tips will put you on the right path to a fabulous, fun and functional  new kitchen!

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Great Kitchen Ideas on our Board!

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